
Pterostoma palpina · ilganosis kuoduotis

  • pale prominent
  • Palpen-Zahnspinner
  • ilganosis kuoduotis
  • gartaustu zobspārnis
  • Dzióbica głaszczkówka, dzióbica słomka

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pterostoma_palpina Pterostoma palpina has a wingspan of 35 to 52 mm. Beyond the black scaled tooth-like forewing projection the inner margin is notched. Long labial palps and tufts on the tail segment, give an elongated appearance. The antennae of the female are pectinated, but the teeth are shorter than those of the male; and the blackish streak on the wings are usually less defined. Except that some specimens are more strongly marked than others there is little variation. The larva is bluish green, with white dorsal and lateral lines, and a black edged yellow stripe along the spiracles; this stripe is marked with reddish on the three anterior segments. Larvae feeds on willows and poplars. The moth survives winter as a pupa.