
Nabis limbatus · trumpasparnė skerdblakė

  • marsh damselbug
  • Sumpfsichelwanze
  • zażartka jajowata

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nabis_limbatus Nabis limbatus is found in tall grass and the herbaceous layer in moist to wet, half shady or open habitats. In forests they are found predominantly in glades, the edge of pathways and margins. Sometimes they are found in drier places. It is a predator with a non-specific range of prey and hunts on the ground as well as in the herb layer. Overwintering occurs as the egg. Nymphs are found from mid-May until July, adults from the end of June. Females insert their eggs mainly in August in blades of grass or the stems of herbaceous plants. The micropterous bugs go through four nymphal stages.